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CWL at UNGA: Seeding a Movement

During NYC Climate Week, also known as UNGA, CWL's Project Dandelion, women-led global movement for climate justice, has been very active. Energized by the connections we’ve made during our learning journey to better understand how to elevate and amplify the important work we’ve observed, we are more convinced than ever that leading for a just transition from the current crisis is the challenge — and yes, the opportunity — for all women to show up, speak out, and come together, connected by a vision of the future that is in our hands.

Every movement needs a logo, a symbol, and Project Dandelion has one! Like the Dandelion, whose attributes of regeneration and resilience, among others, inspire us to be regenerative in our work and resilient in our resolve to meet the gaps in communication and active connections that can and will create a new collective force, everywhere, to demand the actions necessary to secure a climate-safe future for all of us. With gratitude for all the Dandelions already wearing the pin and engaged in the campaign, Connected Women Leaders was actively ‘seeding’ more during UNGA.


To kick off the week, climate activists and government leaders gathered in New York City for the March to End Fossil Fuels. Project Dandelion, dressed in “Flwr Pwr” shirts and wearing our dandelion pins, joined more than 75,000 people in the march.

Together we marched with a large contingent of feminist activists, Indigenous peoples, faith-based communities, youth activists, scientists, and others to send a message to US policy makers that subsidies to and support for the industries that are the cause of the interrelated climate emergencies must end now.


Once again this Climate Week, CWL was honored to invite a community of women climate leaders to join us at The Rockefeller Foundation, the original and much appreciated funder of the work of CWL.

The turnout surpassed our expectations as the number of networked leaders grows with each opportunity to meet, connect, and learn more about how the Project Dandelion movement can meet a global communication gap between the $4 billion a year going towards misinformation campaigns by the oil and gas industries and the need for accurate information, scientific data, and a more informed and engaged public.


We have met so many inspiring climate justice leaders — women who are leading around the world across many sectors, now realizing the intersectionality of all our work towards a more just and equitable world. We must also engage and activate the millions of other women leaders who are not prioritizing climate to become part of our movement to combat the misinformation and fear with a new narrative of hope, a new collective force of committed individuals, connected and mobilized to take the actions necessary to lead to the future that we want for our children and families.

Project Dandelion pins! Clockwise: Gloria Walton, president & CEO, The Solutions Projects with Mary Robinson, chair of The Elders; Laura Turner Seydel, chair of the Captain Planet Foundation; Seed funder Liz Sheehan with Laura García, president & CEO of Global Greengrants Fund; Activist Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, president, Association for Indigenous Women and People of Chad with Charlot Magayi, winner of Earthshot Prize 22; Hafsat Abiola with CARE CEO Michelle Nunn; and Lisa Witter, co-founder of Apolitical.

As CWL Co-Founder Hafsat Abiola reminds us,

If we want to travel fast, travel alone. If we want to travel far, travel together.

To meet this crisis, we must travel fast and far, together. Join us!


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